
Youtube Channels on Rust

Listing popular and interesting Rust-related YouTube channels. This list is not exhaustive.


  • Jon Gjengset: One of the famous Rust channels. The streams are intended for users who are already somewhat familiar with Rust, but who want to see something larger and more involved be built.
  • Jeremy Chone: Channel focused on production coding with Rust, software engineering, and building next-gen applications.
  • Lets Get Rusty: Cover basic Rust language tutorials, advanced Rust language tutorials, Rust language web projects, Rust language frameworks, and much more!
  • CoderSauce: The channel has series to create vim-like editor in Rust, Rust compiler for Clipper and more
  • The Rust Guy: The channel is dedicated to the rust programming language and learning it from the ground up through straightforward lessons.
  • Dario: We build REAL software projects in Rust, Raspberry PI, Oculus.
  • Semicolon: Covers wide range of topics including Game development, Tauri, AI & LLMs, Backend development and more.
  • MrJakob: Programming, Retro Computing and Hardware Tinkering; Has series on Brainf * ck Interpreter in 🦀 Rust
  • No boilerplate
  • Logan smith
  • Fio's Quest: Simplified and detailed beginner level lessons.
  • Tim clicks
  • fasterthanlime
  • Greg Johnston
  • Aleksey Kladov
  • metameeee
  • Zed Industries
  • Thomas: This channel is dedicated to learning how to program in Rust Language with a mix of various tech stacks
  • Oliver Jumpertz: I'm the O in Rust, the J in JavaScript, and the OJ in System Design.
  • MakerPnP
  • Green Tea Coding: The focus of my weekly videos is on building an understanding for the fundamentals of Rust
  • Andy Balaam: Rust, Raspberry Pi, Scheme Lisp, Android, Python, C++, JavaScript, Git.



  • The Rusty Bits: Embedded software development in Rust 🦀
  • Copper Robotics: Copper Robotics offers Purpose-built, Rust-native Software Engine solutions for Robotics. In this channel, you will get a sneak peek into development and hear directly from the minds behind the technology.
  • floodplainnl: Programming talks, Rust, embedded software and other tech.
  • shanemmattner
  • Andrei Litvin

Web Development

Desktop Development

  • Jacob Bolda: Live experimenting with code in the JavaScript and Rust ecosystems (with Tauri).

Game Development

Low Level

  • regionaltantrums: Covers GPU programming, compilers in Rust, implementing transformers and more.
  • Rhymu's Videos: Stream showing creation of keyboard firmware in Rust, learning wgpu, egui.
  • CodeScope: Has series on creating new programming language, chesscomputer with Rust.
  • Lion: Has series on Writing a Compiler and Interpreter in

Cyber Security

  • Mitch Edwards: Cyber security startup founder, developer, lover and explorer of technology, hater of The 9-to-5!



Conference and Talks

  • Rust Videos: Video material about the programming language Rust, curated by the Rust team. This channel publishes videos from all Rust conferences and also re-publish talks and lectures from other places.
  • EuroRust: EuroRust is a 2 day conference for the European Rust community. EuroRust is part of the RustFest family of events and presented by Mainmatter.
  • Rust NL: Rust NL organizes meetups in different cities in The Netherlands. Rust NL is supported by the Stichting Rust Nederland (not affiliated with the Rust Foundation), a non-profit that aims to promote Rust in the Netherlands.
  • RustLab Conference: The first conference dedicated to the Rust programming language.
  • Rust Nation UK: The first conference dedicated to the Rust programming language.
  • Oxidize Conference: The Oxidize Conference is the event for applied Rust. From embedded technology in IoT medical devices to critical safety applications to vehicular dashboards written in Ferrocene.
  • Rust Belt: Rust Belt Rust is a conference about the Rust programming language held in the Rust Belt region of the US.
  • Rust WrocÅ‚aw: Channel of Rust WrocÅ‚aw group.


Other YouTube Channels That Include Rust Content

  • CodeMaven: Programming in Rust, Python, Perl; Git, GitHub, GitLab, Docker, CI/CD and related subjects.
  • Codotaku: has videos on "Manipulate videos using Rust and FFMPEG libraries (LibAV) on Windows", "Vulkan & Rust using Ash binding tutorial for beginners 1" and other
  • Michael Mullin
  • gamozolabs: Security research and optimization channel; Covers topic like OS development in Rust
  • Ian Carey: Ian is an engineer and maker from Ireland - he spends most of his spare time making things, filiming it for YouTube or writing articles about it for his website.
  • sphaerophoria
  • Francesco Ciulla
  • CodeBreather
  • WhiteSponge
  • Trevor Sullivan: Learn software development tips on topics ranging from programming (PowerShell, Python, Go, Rust, C#, etc.) to cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), Linux, open source, and much more!
  • Francesco Piscani: A lot of engaging open source computer and technology-related tutorials, with some other awesome videos too!
  • YouCodeThings
  • Code Roamer: an AWS Community Builder and an open source contributor to the Rust itself.
  • Aarambh Dev Hub: channel for mastering Rust, Next.js and other
  • Ardan Labs: educational content around the Go programming language, Rust, Docker & Kubernetes
  • Stephen Blum: CTO at PubNub, Software Engineering, Data Mining, AI, APIs


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